ahmedabad, IN

PERFECT Packing Industries
PERFECT Packing Ind. is manufactured on the most modern braiding equipment in the industry. PERFECT uses superior fibers, yarns, and lubricants which results in the highest quality packing available on the market. We are able to supply special orders of non-stock items with immediate attention. Each quality product is made, sold, and used has been treated with knowledge and experience. Our continuing efforts in the braided packing industry go much deeper then just general service. We manufactures special purpose packing, which is designed to solve the problems of difficult applications. We are still continues to search for ways to improve our products.
19/A, Revabhai Industrial Estate
380026 ahmedabad, IN
380026 ahmedabad, IN
Tel.: +91 79 25857824
Fax: +91 79 25857871
Fax: +91 79 25857871