Winterthur, CH

Sulzer offers pumping solutions and related equipment and services. Customers benefit from extensive research and developement in fluid dynamics, from process-oriented products, and from reliable services. A global manufacturing and sales network ensures high customer proximity. Sulzer offers repair and maintenance services for turbomachinery, pumps, generators, and electric motors. Customers benefit from reliable and efficient repair and maintenance services for gas and steam turbines, compressors, pumps, electric motors, and generators of any brand. Sulzer's global presence guarantees high-quality local service.
Neuwiesenstrasse 15
CH-4801 Winterthur, CH
CH-4801 Winterthur, CH
Phone: +41 52 262 11 55
Fax: +41 52 262 00 45
Fax: +41 52 262 00 45